About the history of collocation research

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The article is devoted to a summary review of the history of collocation research. The relevance of the topic stems from the uncertainty of the lexical, phraseological and syntactic status of collocations in modern linguistics and in related sciences - teaching methods and linguodidactics. A review analysis of the presented research in this area allows us to identify several approaches. Collocations have been studied and continued to be studied from the standpoint of corpus linguistics, lexical approach, text cohesion. However, further scientific research is required in order to concretize the denotative scope of collocations, as well as to determine the pragmatic criteria of collocations as an object of didactics and teaching methods.


Collocation, school of british contextualism, statistical significance, corpus linguistics, collocator

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170188282

IDR: 170188282   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2021-10-1-133-136

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