On joint ancient lexical layer in modem Buryat and Turkmen languages (interdisciplinary approach)

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The article reviews at interdisciplinary level the questions of etymology of lexical units in presumably related languages, and on this basis the author makes the assumption of a single origin of the Buryat (more generally Mongolian) and the Turkmen (more generally Turkic) people. The author reveals the language means used in Hunn’s period, and attempts to define the language units used in ancient periods of joint history. Along with the language and historical data, folklore sources are also subject to comparative analysis. Nevertheless, the principle of linguistic centrism prevails in the article. The articles from dictionaries of compared languages and grammatical facts were used as the basic material for research. The author also paid attention to works of art.


Buryat and turkmen languages, joint layer, hunn's period, ancient "altay" (turan) period

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148317233

IDR: 148317233   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2018-2-3-3-10

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