The image of an emigrant in the works by Irene Nemirovsky and the problem of national identity

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The article deals with the problem of national identity in the works by Irene Nemirovsky (1903 - 1942), native of Russian empire, who became a French national writer. While analyzing Nemirovsky’s novels, where the main character is a hero-emigrant (“Wunderkind”, “David Golder”, “Nanny”, “The Master of Souls”), the author comes to the conclusion that there is a cross-cutting topic of loneliness and fatality caused by realization of impossible assimilation in the new society without any loses. There are also two topic constructions of an immigrant image in the writer’s works: a victim and a destructor.

Irene nemirovsky, the problem of national identity, the image of an emigrant in literature, ethnic reality of literary work, opposition "own" and "other"

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IDR: 148101788

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