Image of the sky in traditional outlook of Khakasses

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In article the image of the Sky in religious and mythological views of Khakasses for the first time is reconstructed. In traditional culture the idea of interaction of the person and the nature, based on the principles of identity and equality dominated. Natural objects and the phenomena were spiritualized and allocated with the signs peculiar to the person. Meanwhile, in the course of an antropomorfization of surrounding space, perhaps, the only exception made only the Sky. It, always was in direct and figurative sense over the person. And being one of fundamental sushchnost of a material world, acted as a key component of spiritual culture of the people. In archaic consciousness the Sky is allocated with ambivalent signs: easy availability to a review practically in any place and at any time and at the same time, absolute remoteness and unattainability for the ordinary person. It has properties both man's, and female began. The sacral transtsendentalnost is put in inaccessibility, infinity and unsurpassed force of everything that is created by the Sky, for example, the atmospheric phenomena. Heavens contrary to transient passing terrestrial life, act as a bright symbol of constancy and eternity. Thus the world of heavenly life is inexhaustible. Its image has fundamental value in religious, ethical, emotional spheres of human life and in the field of moral judgments.


Khakasses, beliefs, myth, ceremony, sky, person, destiny

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IDR: 147218841

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