The image of the lark in mythological representations of the Buryats

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Purpose. The purpose of this work is to highlight the complex of Buryats’ traditional ideas about the lark tales. Results. The first section of the work gives a general description of the image of the lark in Buryat culture. The Buryat names of larks contain certain information about these birds (about their habitat, nesting sites, size, ability to sing). The lark, from the point of view of the Buryats, was a harmless bird. Buryats paid attention to some morphological features of the lark, especially its acoustic capabilities (the ability of a male bird to sing for a long time). The second section of the article deals with traditional mythological representations of the Buryats about the lark. This bird had a high semiotic status, in particular, it was recognized as a winged preacher of Buddhist prayer. It was believed that it served the good heavenly forces. Buryats attached importance to the symbolism of the color of the bird’s plumage. It is revealed that they associated the idea of werewolves with the lark. In the mythological representations of the Buryats, this feathered animal reflected the natural rhythms (the arrival of early spring) and the time of day (morning) and was likely associated with the concept of time. In the epic of the Buryats, the interchangeability of images of birds personifying the arrival of spring was characteristic, and it was associated with birds of the order of passerines. The ambiguity of the lark’s characteristics in traditional mythological representations of the Buryats is noted. Conclusion. In traditional mythological representations of the Buryats, the lark had a predominantly positive characteristic. It is attributed to the revered birds, supposedly servants of the good heavenly forces: in Buryat shamans’ epics they assist the mother of gods, while the Buryat-Buddhists recognize the lark as a bird that prays and sanctifies the water. The symbolism of color, highlighted in the image of this bird, primarily reflected gender division: the white color indicated the male principle, while the gray - female. The idea of shapeshifting is associated with the lark among the Buryats. It was associated with the onset of spring and the time of day (morning). In the image of this feathered bird, the negative connotation in its connection with demonic forces and in the chthonic beginning of the bird is weakly manifested. Some traditional ideas of the Buryats about the lark (for example, as a winged singer of religious hymns) have analogies in the worldview of other peoples, which is explained by their universal character.


Buryats, traditional worldview, shamanism, buddhism, lark, folklore, vocabulary

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IDR: 147220504   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2021-20-3-142-148

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