Educational interaction between Russia and Mongolia in the 1990s

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The article reviews the relations between the Russian Federation and Mongolia in the field of education in the 1990s. The main regulatory documents of bilateral cooperation between Russia and Mongolia, which determined the nature and principles of relations during this period, are considered. The implementation of the enshrined agreements in the field of cultural cooperation took place in several directions: educational and scientific initiatives, the spread of the Russian language in Mongolia, the organization and conduct of cultural events, especially among young people. Despite the fact that the sphere of education has a strategic character, it is determined that educational ties between the Russian Federation and Mongolia during the specified period largely had a formal nature. In this regard, the relevance of developing relations in the educational field between the two states is justified. The history of assistance in training personnel in various sectors of the national economy is described, as well as the collapse of the Soviet Union, events in 1991 in the USSR, which led to a severe economic, political, and social crisis in Mongolia, are highlighted.


Russia, mongolia, education, cooperation, foreign students, educational interaction, humanitarian cooperation

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IDR: 148328396   |   DOI: 10.18101/2307-3330-2023-4-12-16

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