Image of the stone and barrow in religious and mythological views of Khakas (end of XIX - XX centuries)

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Purpose: The aim of the work is to determine the myth- ritual complex Khakases associated with stone and mounds. Based on the objectives, the following tasks were: identifying the role of sacred stones in mythology and ritual practices, establishing their importance in the socio - regulatory matters; determination mechanism sacralization landscape. Chronological framework works span the end XIX - XX centuries. The choice of these time limits is caused, first of all, the state of the source base on the research theme. The work is based on an integrated, system- historical approach to the study of the past, on historical and ethnographic methods - scientific description, a concrete historical analysis, comparative historical, structural and semantic relic. Results: Relevance of a special study of the image and stone mound in outlook Khakases determined by the general increase in interest in the historical past of the peoples of Russia, and their cultural heritage. This fully applies to the Khakassia. Natural landscape feature Khakassia being available a huge number of rocks. For centuries the local population was able to adapt to these conditions. Stone has become an integral part of their culture. People learned how to handle and use in diverse economic activities. This fact naturally manifested itself in the spiritual life of people, their worldview. Stone and his image became one of the most important elements of religious and mythological system Khakases. Absence of a separate study on this issue prevents objective understanding of the culture and the full use of its centuries-old experience of modern society. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the image of the stone and the mound worldview Khakases first became an object of special study. In addition, the scientific revolution introduced new archival materials and field. Conclusion: In a culture Khakases stone and his image, because of the great utilitarian, mythos-ritual and religious significance, occupied and continues to occupy one of the key places. He is endowed with high semiotic status. For centuries, it was regarded as a sacred object -the epitome of spiritual nature deities and ancestors. With this cult object binding complex mythological representations of the sacred life force, fertility, and happiness of the soul, not only of man, his family and clan, but also representatives of the animal world. Stone is the most important, structural element burial mounds and other structures. In mythological consciousness Khakases mounds there is a stable association with the images of their legendary ancestors. Sacred stones and barrows contributed sacralization space.


Khakas, beliefs, myth, ceremony, stone, barrows, spirits, ancestors, destiny

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IDR: 147219041

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