General characteristics of professionally significant qualities of future bachelors of technospheric safety

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The goals and directions of sustainable development of the country put forward high requirements for future graduates of educational institutions, comprehensively developed and socially active individuals, with the necessary professionally significant qualities formed, which are an important component of their professional competence. The main task of the professional training of future specialists in a modern higher educational institution is the formation of their professional competence, professionally significant qualities and psychological readiness to carry out professional activities based on the introduction and implementation of innovative teaching technologies. The purpose and task of the research is to clarify the essence of the concept of “professionally significant qualities of a bachelor of technosphere safety”. The main methodological approaches to the formation of professionally significant qualities as a component of the professional competence of future technosphere safety bachelors are systematic, personal-activity and competence-based. The main result of the work is the definition of the structure, groups, signs and general characteristics of professionally significant qualities, disclosure of the essence of the concept of professionally significant qualities of future technosphere bachelors as a set of socially significant for the implementation of functions, tasks and interests of society, individual citizens and the state of the personal characteristics of a specialist, formed in within the system of professional development based on the principle of the formation of a comprehensively developed, creative personality. The genesis and content of the concept of “professionally significant (important) qualities” are considered on the basis of an analysis of the works of leading Russian and foreign scientists and the author's edition of the concept under study is presented. The analysis of scientific and theoretical works of famous scientists on the formation of professionally significant qualities and various aspects of professional training of future technosphere safety specialists was also carried out. Revealed the social significance of professionally important qualities and the main socially significant state function of future bachelors of technosphere safety, which is to ensure the viability of each member of society and the environment as a whole.


Professionally significant qualities, formation, competence, bachelor's degree, technosphere safety, professional training

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14125285   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/22-3/05

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