Adverbial modifiers of manner in the semantic-syntactic structure of a simple sentence

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The author of the article deals with the topical issue of determinants study in the Russian language, giving special attention to adverbial determinants in the structure of a simple sentence. The article can be considered both as a scientific and analytical research and as a general review; the author presents the results of other researches regarding the topic, describing complex problems of modern Russian philology, concerning the further development of determinants theory in syntax. The work particularly studies the characteristics of relation between adverbial word forms and predicative-actantial core in structural-semantic and communicative-pragmatic aspects, analyses the communicative-pragmatic potential of determinant ranks in a sentence/context. The author comes to interesting conclusions concerning the meaning and communicative goals of adverbial determinants usage.


Adverbial modifier of manner, independent modifier, verbal predicate, coordinative row

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IDR: 14489846

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