Teaching Chinese grammar using interactive technologies
Автор: Meng Zh.
Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного педагогического университета им. В.П. Астафьева @vestnik-kspu
Рубрика: Научный дебют
Статья в выпуске: 3 (69), 2024 года.
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Statement of the problem. Nowadays, learning foreign languages has become an indispensable part of our lives. With the development of innovative technologies, there is an increasing need to communicate in different languages, including Chinese. The author gives examples of interactive learning of the Chinese grammar and also touches on the historical aspects of the practice of teaching Chinese, focusing on the need to use modern technologies in teaching foreign languages to students. The purpose of the article is to reveal aspects of the process of teaching Chinese grammar through the use of interactive technologies, as well as to consider the advantages of modern technologies in the learning process. The methodology of the article includes studying theoretical information about the use of interactive technologies for teaching Chinese grammar. The authors offer specific examples for the application of these technologies in the educational process, such as gaming, design, and modeling methods. The review of scientific literature shows that the problem of teaching Chinese to students specializing in humanities at Russian universities is relevant and requires an integrated approach. Studies by I.Anzhan, S.V. Panina, E.E. Alekseeva, N.A. Rungsh, L.A. Sidorova, K.E. Dubrovskaya, Luo Xuan, Ma Long, N.B. Mukaddas, and R.R. Madinabonu reveal the main difficulties and offer various methods of overcoming them. The authors analyze the problems associated with teaching Chinese at different levels and propose innovative approaches and technologies to improve the quality of learning. These studies emphasize the importance of taking into account the ethnocultural and ethnopsychological characteristics of students when developing methods of teaching Chinese. The results of the study showed that the use of interactive technologies has a number of positive aspects in studying the grammar of the Chinese language. Among them, it is possible to highlight the convenience of classes and the possibility for students to interact with each other while completing tasks.
Chinese grammar, interactive technologies, teaching, teaching methods, grammatical system, interactivity, interactive methods
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163233
IDR: 144163233