Technologies of teaching foreign languages in terms of immersion educational environment

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The article is devoted to the issue of the use of digital technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. We examined immersive technologies and substantiated their effectiveness in the process of forming students’ language competencies. In connection with the rapid increase of information flows, universities need to radically change the methodological paradigm: to teach students to navigate in a large amount of information, to analyze, generalize and apply the knowledge gained in solving professional problems. The use of immersive technologies in the learning process contributes to modernization, improving the quality of the taught discipline. But the use of these technologies is not always the key to the effectiveness of the educational process. The competence of the teacher, his/her computer literacy, knowledge of existing effective educational resources, the ability to work with authentic materials from Internet resources are the keys to a correctly chosen strategy. We can state that immersive technologies as educational technologies have potential, but existing applications need methodological improvements and additional research on effectiveness. The use of these technologies should comply with the principle of didactic expediency and possibly in combination with traditional forms of education. The computer literacy of a teacher is one of the most important competencies in teaching foreign languages through the use of innovative technologies, since the web environment is an integral component of modern educational life.


«immersiveness», immersive technologies, immersive educational environment, foreign language teaching, electronic platforms, virtual and augmented reality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140302045   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2022.20.4.13

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