Teaching foreign languages at a university as a means of intercultural communication

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The reality of our time can be called multicultural, because people belonging to peoples speaking different languages communicate. The relevance of the article is due to the increasing problem of communication in modern society. The author points out that when studying a foreign language, students are faced with a number of facts related not only to the field of vocabulary, grammar or stylistics, but also to the social, everyday, cultural sphere. The article analyzes the specific features of the behavior and mentality of Russians and Americans in the student environment, their impact on intercultural communication. The author emphasizes that knowing these differences will help eliminate situations of misunderstanding and will contribute to successful communication. The importance of scientific and socio-cultural activities of students for the formation of effective intercultural communication skills at the university is also indicated, since this is the reason for the predisposition of different peoples to dialogue and a powerful means of mutual understanding between them.


Communication problem, learning a foreign language, specific features, behavior and mentality, socio-cultural activities, intercultural communication, mutual understanding

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203844

IDR: 170203844   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-3-209-213

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