Teaching listening comprehension to Chinsese university students taking into account the differences in syntactic structures between Russian and Chinese languages

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Statement of the problem. As Russia and China expand their cooperation in politics, economics, trade and culture, the Russian language is becoming more popular among Chinese people. Listening comprehension is an important aspect of language learning. For Chinese students who do not have the opportunity to constantly communicate in Russian-speaking society, listening comprehension is one of the most difficult aspects of learning Russian. There are many factors that complicate listening comprehension. This article describes how the differences in Chinese and Russian syntax affect the teaching of listening comprehension when teaching Russian to Chinese students. The purpose of thе article is to analyze the influence of syntactic differences in Chinese and Russian languages on teaching Chinese students and propose effective methods for teaching listening comprehension. Methodology (materials and methods). The study is based on a metacognitive approach to learning. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the study (questionnaire method, system description method, historical comparison method, comparative induction method, comparative research method, and pedagogical experiment). Research results. This article identified a number of differences in Russian and Chinese syntax. These differences caused difficulties in listening activities for Chinese students accustomed to simple syntax.


Teaching listening comprehension in russian, influence of the native language, word order, sentence structure, intersentential relations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163234

IDR: 144163234

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