Self-presentation training in the higher education system

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The article considers self-presentation training within the education plan and educational disciplines of higher education institutions. Studying of the models offered by various authors and self-presentation training programs allows us to draw the following preliminary conclusions: 1) the existing conditions of forming of self-presentation skills are estimated by authors as not meeting the requirement of efficiency of the training process; 2) effective training of self-presentation requires implementation in the educational process of specially developed programs and techniques; 3) implementation of developments offered by the specified authors in the existing education system (in specific curricula and educational programs) is seen as problematic since it requires allocation of a separate subject, which involves a number of additional economic, personnel, time and other costs. For creation of an effective model of self-presentation training integrated into the modern education system it is necessary to consider the existing conditions of self-presentation skills formation and development within the educational process of higher school. Thus, the analysis of domestic scientists' research considered in this article has allowed to reveal a number of strict requirements which the effective model of self-presentation training shall satisfy : universality, integrability, realness; and also have significantly expanded the tasks of our research, which, despite the labor input of research process, will allow to make it more objective and in demand.


Self-presentation training, federal state educational standards of the third generation

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IDR: 148102654

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