Oral argumentation teaching at lessons of English in 10-11 grades

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The article is devoted to the methods of teaching oral argumentation at foreign language lessons in grades 10-11 of the secondary school. The article grounds the need to develop argumentation skills, presents the conceptual apparatus of this methodological problem, and presents approaches to the structure of the argument. Based on previous studies, the main methods of teaching argumentation in foreign language lessons described, are namely, classes on the theory of argumentation, debates, role-playing games and negotiations. The article considers the main characteristics and effectiveness of aforesaid methods. It is shown that the use of these methods will bring variety to the educational process, will contribute to the formation of lexical, grammatical, speaking and listening skills.


Argumentation, teaching methods, debates, role - play, negotiations

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207265

IDR: 170207265   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-4-202-206

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