Key aspects of the design of alluvial territories

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In cities that develop under the influence of water border objects, the expansion of the urban fabric by increasing territorial boundaries in the direction of the еexpansion of the urban fabric by increasing territorial boundaries in the direction of the surrounding water area - through the development of alluvial territories - is relevant surrounding water area - through the development of alluvial territories - is relevant. relevant. At the same time, alluvial technology remains resource-intensive and environmentally inefficient. In this connection, the article raises key aspects of the sustainable design of artificial environment on water bodies - alluvial territories, by analyzing the current urban planning trends in design on aquatic territories. The experience of European countries (Denmark, the Netherlands) is used as an example. European countries (Denmark, the Netherlands) in the field of design are considered as an object of research.


Urbanization, development of water areas and territories, alluvium, sustainable development, sustainable alluvial territories, aspects of sustainable design

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205279   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-4-71-74

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