Metaphor and humor theories review

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Subject of the article is cognitive models of metaphor and humor and their consideration in light of some existing theoretical approaches. The main subject is an overview of cognitive approaches to the study of metaphor and humor. The aim of the work is to try to consider and analyze some theoretical approaches to the study of metaphor and humor, to reveal their common characteristics. The methodological basis is the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of cognitive linguistics. The basic method is a descriptive analysis, generalization and comparison method. Results include an overview and analysis of some of the cognitive approaches to the study of metaphor and humor. and may serve as a further solution of the problem of the co-functioning of these cognitive models and the creation of a joint category of "metaphorical humor”. Scope of Results ". may be the development of special courses on cultural linguistics, language theory, stylistics. Output. Some theoretical approaches to the study of metaphor and humor are outlined. Complexity and versatility of both metaphor and humor, frequent use of them in any sphere of human communication cause, large variety of existing theories and numerous studies regarding the nature of their origin and role from the point of view of the sociocultural aspect of human activity. The combined approach of the above theories can be used in the analysis of the description of cognitive processes explaining the potential functioning of metaphor and humor in one expression.


Theories, cognitive linguistics, cognitive processes, cognitive models, humorous, metaphorical, metaphorical humor

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IDR: 148314360

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