Overview of Russian school textbooks on general history on the theme "Age of enlightenment"

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The work presents an overview of the topic "Age of Enlightenment" in all textbooks on world history for the 8th grade that have been approved for use in the implementation of the educational program for basic general education, which has state accreditation, by organizations conducting educational activities. The overview of the textbooks was carried out in two directions: 1) comparing the latest version of the textbook with its previous version; 2) comparing the latest versions of textbooks compiled by different author teams. The textbooks in the second direction were compared based on their compliance with the content outlined in the federal working program for the subject "History" regarding the topic "Age of Enlightenment".


The age of enlightenment, textbook, world history, school

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207127

IDR: 170207127   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-1-35-41

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