Assessing the anthropological impact of interfaces in the design stage of software and hardware
Автор: Shalagin S.V., Shalagina G.E.
Журнал: Онтология проектирования @ontology-of-designing
Рубрика: Общие вопросы формализации проектирования: онтологические аспекты и когнитивное моделирование
Статья в выпуске: 4 (54) т.14, 2024 года.
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In the information society, as the scope of human activity expands and deepens, continuous formalisation occurs, underpinned by ontological models of technical and natural systems. The user's perception of comprehensive information about a complex subject area leads to information overload. This situation encourages the use of algorithms that present information in a compressed form. The paper introduces modified indicators and qualitative criteria to estimate the potential for errors in compressing subject area information, as well as evaluate the anthropometric nature of the interface using threshold values set by experts, both for artificial intelligence algorithms and users. A method is proposed for quantitatively assessing the anthropological impact of application-level interfaces during the design stage of hardware and software. The method consists of eight stages, which assess the comprehensibility of the hardware and software interface for both artificial intelligence algorithms and users. This approach reduces the likelihood of developing destructive hardware and software systems.
Interface, information impact, ontological model, actor, user, anthropomericity, software and hardware, designing
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IDR: 170207426 | DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2024-14-4-483-492