Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of respiratory gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova with senior preschoolers
Автор: Trofimova Yana Alexeevna, Minnikaeva Natalya Viktorovna
Журнал: Наука-2020 @nauka-2020
Рубрика: Физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии
Статья в выпуске: 4 (15), 2017 года.
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Relevance. The problem of physical education of children of senior preschool age is one of the most urgent in our society. It is at this age that the means and methods of physical culture chosen for the individual characteristics of preschool children play a decisive role in the development of the functional development of all organs and systems, and this process is primarily ensured by the preschool institution. Among the physical exercises, the main means are walking, running, using various types of breathing exercises. The low efficiency of the means of physical education and hardening leads to a high level of manifestations of colds in preschool institutions. Thus, at present, issues related to the decline in the level of health and physical preparedness of modern preschool children are becoming an increasing concern. I group of health (clinically healthy children) in kindergarten at the moment has only 10-35% of children depending on the region. The greatest number of children has II and III group of health. More often children of preschool age suffer from acute respiratory infections, inflammations of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.), for the same reason, children fall into the group of so-called scanty children. An analysis of the physical education system in preschool institutions shows that the existing physical education programs ignore a large contingent of children who often get sick. While the age of the 6th to the 7th year of life is characterized by a rapid jump in the functional development of the child's body. This period corresponds to some lag of the cardiorespiratory system in relation to the request made to it. This type of development is especially evident in a certain contingent of children, who often have common colds. All this suggests that the development of the respiratory system of the child is an important factor in strengthening its immunity and reducing the incidence. It is known that breathing in many ways depends on a person's health, his physical and mental activity. A training of respiratory muscles determines the physical performance and endurance of the child. Lungs are the organ of not only breathing, but also secretion, regulation of body temperature. They also take part in the development of physiologically active substances involved in the process of blood clotting, the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, the question of the possibility of using respiratory gymnastics in a kindergarten is currently insufficiently studied. In connection with what we stated the topic "Evaluation of the effectiveness of carrying out respiratory gymnastics with older preschool children according to the method of AN Strelnikova in kindergarten" seems to us relevant.
Preschool children, breathing exercises, physical education
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142208763
IDR: 142208763