Evaluation of the effectiveness of foreign language oral speech teaching tools created using neural networks
Автор: Drozdov D.A.
Журнал: Высшее образование сегодня @hetoday
Рубрика: Трибуна молодого ученого
Статья в выпуске: 5, 2024 года.
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The article considers the methods and possibilities of using neural networks to improve oral speech skills of undergraduate students. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient study of neural networks as a tool for creating individualized teaching tools and optimizing the teacher's work. Studying the effectiveness of the generated teaching tools, identifying possible ways for a teacher to work with neural networks will optimize the educational process, facilitate preparation for classes and ensure the implementation of individual and differentiated approaches. The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of using traditional teaching tools and teaching tools created using neural networks. An analysis of the advantages and limitations of using neural networks is presented. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of teaching tools created using a neural network are presented, which show that neural networks are a promising and effective tool that opens up new opportunities for optimizing and increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.
Foreign language teaching, teaching tools created using neural networks, undergraduate students
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148330003
IDR: 148330003 | DOI: 10.18137/RNU.HET.24.05.P.132