Assessment the nutritional status of Samara and Samara oblast inhabitants

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Monitoring of flavoring addictions of the population was carried out in Samara and Samara oblast in 2012-2014 by means of the computer program "Analysis of human nutritional status". In total 1048 respondents, from them 322 men and 726 women aged from 17 till 80 years was examined. The assessment of consumption the products was conducted taking into account age, sex, anthropometrical data, level of basal metabolism and physical activity. The leading deviations in nutrition are calorie content, exceeding energy expenditure, excess absorption of high-fatty products and simple carbohydrates, lack of cellulose, vitamins (B1, B2) and some mineral substances (calcium, iron). At a third of respondents was threat of obesity. Recommendations about correction of nutritive status of residents in Samara and oblast was made.


Nutritional status, nutrition assessment, alimentary and dependent diseases

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148101891

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