The stability rating of cenopopulations of a dwarf lily (Lilium pumilum Delile)

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Lilium pumilum Delile is a rare kind. The territory of the Republic of Khakassia is the Western border of the species range. The studies were conducted in the growing season of 2015 on the territory of the state natural reserve “Khakassky” within cluster areas “Oglahty”, “Lake Itkul”. The stability of cenopopulations was determined by the specific ontogenetic spectra characteristic of the ontogenet-ic spectrum, defined the performance index, the type of cenopopulations studied the vitality struc-ture of cenopopulations of Lilium pumilum in differ-ent ecological and coenotic conditions. Seven pop-ulations of Lilium pumilum in petrophyte variants of real and meadow steppes are discribed. The seed-lings of Lilium pumilum are normal, sound. The proportion of individuals pregenerative period var-ies from 30.2 % to 60.7 (78.2) % in the generative period - from 13,1 to 80.4 %, the proportion of indi-viduals postgenerative period ranges from 3.5 to 15.3 %.The projective cover of the species is 1, at least 2 %. Populations formed in the left-hand and center of the ontogenetic spectra of the corre-sponding characteristic of the ontogenetic spec-trum, showing a steady state of the populations in this ecological-coenotic conditions. The value of the performance index varies from 0.28 to 0.64. Ac-cording to the criterion “Delta-omega” investigated cenopopulations Lilium pumilum are young and maturing. Vitality on the type of cenopopulation is prosperous and depressed. High values of vitality index (IVC = 1.1 to 1.3) fit a meadow petrophyte steppes.


Lilium pumilum, khakassia, cenopopulation, ontogenetic and vitality structure, stability, coenotic conditions, rating

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IDR: 14088319

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