Ogarev time as the state of history and human beings

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The subject of the article : Ogarev time as the state of history and human beings. The object of the article : the ХIХth century: the history of the life and the oeuvre of Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev - a Russian poet, philosopher, writer, composer. The project aims: to actualize for the scientific and academic world the information about Staroye Akshino period in the life and oeuvre of N.P. Ogarev; to see the intellectual history of Russia through the prism of destiny of the Russian nobleman; to create the basis for scientific research work. Methodology of work : the construction of the concept of the context of the unique space in Staroye Akshino (now the Republic of Mordovia), where Ogarev, being the owner of the estate, made his estate a centre of diverse cultural phenomena, as for his friends, associates, relatives and peasants (during 10 years: 1846-1856). The emphasis of the major categories in the review of the state of the history and a person in a particular situation: spirituality, the nature of existence, consciousness, ideology, creativity, charity and philanthropy. The creation of the "ideal world model" of a nobleman, where he could realize himself as a poet, a philosopher, an economist and as an entrepreneur-manager, as an art connoisseur and a composer. Creative aura, built by a Russian intellectual, a highly educated gentleman in Staroye Akshino barton, today, in the XXIst century in Russia (when there is the process of Ogarev reflection and constructive activity) is an important semantic milestones in the study of Russian culture. Results: the inclusion of the "cultural nest" of Ogarev in Staroye Akshino as the center of high culture in the overall picture of the long controversial process of the perception of noble culture, domestic science. The scope of the results: the Experience of Ogarev in Staroye Akshino, which has become a unique practice of the formation of the cultural centre ("cultural nest") by one man - is a new and poorly studied phenomenon that stimulates research interest, opens the possibility of comparative methodology. The comprehension of the phenomenon allows us to refine and detail the general patterns in the development of scientific thinking in domestic humanitarian thought in History, Philosophy, Cultural studies and Philology. Conclusion : the scientific novelty of the research is manifested in the comprehensive analysis of the materials of scientific, ideological, economic-industrial, literary and musical creativity of N.P. Ogarev in the context of the life of the poet, scientist, philosopher and musician in Staroeye Akshino. It allows not only to improve the base data associated with the life and work of N.P. Ogarev in Staroye Akshino but also to include this period in scientific circulation as a phenomenon, as the state of history and of a human of the middle of the ХIХth century, allowing to represent his ideas to Russian culture. Thus, the conclusions, presented in the article, are reasoned and logical.


N.p. ogarev, staroye akshino, history, culture, people, intellectual, creativity, status, time, space, spiritual center, nest of high culture, heritage, memory, model

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314265

ID: 148314265
