Fire-making apparatus in the funeral inventory Koryak Nord-Even district of Magadan region

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Purpose. This article analyzes sets of fire-making apparatus in the set of funeral accessories Koryak. Paper is a continuation of the analytical description of collections Koryak firing percussion instruments. They are found in 2005 and 2011 at ethnographic field studies. The study area - places of traditional residence Koryak on the coast of the Okhotsk Sea. Altogether, there were five sets and described firing devices and their constituent individual elements. Burial things belonged to both men and women. In soviet times, they were herders farm «Parén’sky». They currently live in the village of Even, the center of the North-Even District Magadan region. Results. The presence of fire percussion instruments in the burial inventory Koryak reindeer observed as early as 60 years of the XVIII century. This action was a common ritual for deer and coastal Koryaks in the XIX and XX century. It exists at the beginning of the XXI century. In the funeral inventory verhneparén’skih Koryak found different sets for striking fire. The most complete set belonged Koryak woman Inyliv W. Ya. It contained fire-steel, piece of flint, tinder, sulfur and a small cup. They were kept in a small purse, hanging belt. She died August 26, 2011. She was buried two days later for the traditional rite Koryak burning body on fire. Inventory prepared for burial were burned along with the dead woman. Koryak prepared fire-making apparatus, as well as other grave goods, long before his death. They were needed to the deceased after death could smoke tobacco. They were not intended as a «parcel» of the previously deceased relatives. Any other specific ritual functions are not fixed. Sulfur in the firing set was found in only verhneparénskih Koryak. Instead of separate elements of the fire-making apparatus can be used fire their deputies: metal box model for sulfur model fire steel, stone nonfunctional «flint», stone of obsidian. The article noted the connection tobacco tar and fat deer to give fire. On the sources of production Koryak brimstone author reported in a separate article. Nearest natural sources of obsidian marked more than 300 km from the dwelling places Koryak. Therefore Koryak North-Evenk district used archaeological obsidian. Obsidian found on the surface of the tundra areas with poor vegetation. Conclusion. In XX century, the supply of the dead such fire-making apparatus, have become archaic and non-permanent member of the burial rite. Instead began to use fire steel matches. In terms of a standard match much «effective» compared to real fire steel or different substituents.


Koryak, pouch with flint and steel, ritual complex, paleoasian people, reindeer-breeders, fire steel, fire-making apparatus

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IDR: 147219293

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