The belt tinder box with silver jewelry from the collection National Museum of Tyva

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Purpose: In the collections of the National Museum of the Republic of Tuva has a collection of fire steel Turko-Mongolian type. In southern Siberia, they have proliferated in the last quarter of XIX - early XX century. Turko-Mongolian type fire steel presents various options decorated with ornamental curly waist lining leather belt tinder box. The main part of the collection of the National Museum comprise relatively simple in form and material manufacturing belt tinder box. Results: As with neighboring nations (Altai, Khakassia, Mongolia and Buryatia), they were used in everyday Tuvinians economic life and are mandatory garment component ranchers and hunters. Simultaneously with utilitarian belt tinder box great demand richly decorated with silver and gold lining appliances. Among them there are striking examples of art. In nomadic yurt they occupied the most prominent place of honor, and during the holidays they hung on the belt. Belt tinder box served as evidence of wealth, prosperity and high social status. They emphasized the connection with their ancestors, leaving no descendants heirloom. In all scientific articles noted that belt tinder box together with a belt and knife were an important piece of equipment men. For women, they served as a decoration festive clothing, including a wedding dress. This publication is developed characteristic decorated silver linings of funds belt tinder box Department of Ethnography of the National Museum of the Republic of Tyva. Currently, the collection consists of seven copies. The modern population of Tuva does not know how to use a belt tinder box and has forgotten the meaning of many terms. The belt tinder box Tuvan language - «ottuk», flint - «ottuk-das». Tinder («hag») made of specially dried herb that grows in the mountains. This was collected and dried in a yurt. Ornamentation on silver jewelry belt tinder box represented mainly floral and geometric patterns. Among them are various modifications of the pattern of the «knot of happiness». On Tuvan belt tinder box collection of the National Museum is found only floral and geometric ornament. Zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motifs are absent. Conclusion: Completion of adding the total Tuvan-Buryat-Mongol style decoration of metal objects in Tuva, Mongolia and Buryatia in the second half of XIX - beginning of XX century. At the same time develops and artistic canon design belt tinder box Turko-Mongolian type. Beginning of its formation is related to the law of the Mongolian clothes, adopted Chinese administration in the XVIII century. On the territory of Tuva was also common Sino-Manchurian-Mongolian tradition. This was reflected in the appearance in Tuva Mongolian clothing cut and fire device that rich and noble men were decorated with gold and silver. On the territory of Tuva was also common Sino-Manchurian-Mongolian tradition. This was reflected in the appearance in Tuva Mongolian clothing cut and fire device that rich and noble men were decorated with gold and silver.


Southern siberia and the central asia, tuva, belt, silver, flint, nomads, belt tinder box

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IDR: 147219101

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