The garbled phrase as a means of understanding and characterizing the lyrical voice and authorial world view in Vladimir Vysotsky’s “Ballad of my childhood”

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Object of the article is a fragment from the text of Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “Ballad of my Childhood”. The article considers the case when the speech of the primary subject is intruded by the direct speech of the character - the garbled phrase “missing the fallen” is analyzed, which is in the “Ballad of my Childhood” in the direct speech of one of the characters - Evdokim Kirilych. This garbled phrase unit arises through the synthesis of the phraseological unit “missing” with the phraseological unit “heroically fallen” (or “who died the death of the brave”). The distortion resulting from the synthesis in the system with other points indicates the individual characteristics of the character’s speech, who got the opportunity to speak as he wants, distorting the established speech cliches. The article proves that this garbled phrase unit is not only a way of marking the character, but can also become an important indicator for understanding certain facets of the author’s worldview. Thus, the purpose of the study is to comprehend this occasional phraseological unit as a way of the author’s characterization of the character in whose speech this occasional phraseological unit is located, and to consider this phraseological unit as a way to approach certain facets of the author’s worldview, which is also possible through correlation (and even identification in this correlation) of the position of the author and the position of the character. As a result, it is proved that the garbled phrase that occurs in the character’s speech, firstly, characterizes this character, secondly, characterizes the author’s attitude to the character, and thirdly, acts as a sign of certain facets of the author’s worldview.


Lyrical voice, authorial world view, garbled phrase, vladimir vysotsky, “ballad of my childhood”

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IDR: 149145249   |   DOI: 10.54770/20729316-2024-1-226

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