On certain specific features of tax procedure as a type of administrative procedure

Автор: Darko Golić, David Matić

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.39, 2022 года.

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Due to numerous specific characteristics, but also the importance of regular functioning of Republic of Serbia in terms of financing public expenditures, our legislator pays a special attention to the tax system, tax administration and tax procedure. The activity of our legislator in this area is extremely intensive, so the changes in tax regulations have become more frequent, and public authorities, whether in the form of laws or some bylaws, often intervene in the area of the tax system. On the other hand, the rules of tax legislation, both material - in terms of the very bases of tax obligations, and procedural must be clear, in the way the citizens can determine and settle their tax obligations. In addition, in the interest of legal certainty, the legislator should not frequently change substantive and procedural tax regulations, and he should move within certain limits. Having that in mind, the legislator has limited himself by defining the tax procedure as a special administrative procedure, which is regulated by a special law, whereby the protective provisions provided by the Law on General Administrative Procedure must be kept in mind. Deviations from the rules of general administrative procedure are, of course, necessary and justified, but only to a certain extent, which is determined by the peculiarity and importance of the tax system, which results in special rules for establishing the obligation, determining the amount and fulfilling tax obligations. Guided by the peculiarities of tax legislation, the authors point out the deviations of the tax procedure from the general administrative procedure in terms of principles, initiations, nature of legal acts and other specific issues.


Tax procedure, administrative procedure, special administrative procedure, principles of tax procedure, administrative act, tax administrative act

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202169

IDR: 170202169   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp2203001G

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