On-line statistical analysis of data in the teaching of students-archaeologists

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Improvement of quality of fundamental archaeological education demands not only aiming at priority development of an intellectual component of the social and cultural phenomena of the past, but also mastering in perfection modern information technologies. Such statement of a question demands development and introduction of modern general educational training programs and creation more ample opportunities for an individualization of training of students, including due to use of remote forms of training. In our paper is discussed adequate decision of this task: creation of the special Web-server including subsystems of an input/data storage, methods of the statistical analysis of the data and representation of results.


Statistical package, statistical analysis of data, internet, hierarchical cluster analysis, метод k-средних, k-means method, dispersing analysis, chi-square

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14736992

IDR: 14736992

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