On one mathematical model of the extraction process of polydisperse porous material

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We consider a mathematical model which represents the extraction process of a target component from the polydispersed porous material. The suggested model is demonstrated by the example of a flat solid material with bidispersed pores of different size in the form of a system of channels of macropores with micropores facing their walls. The macropores and the micropores in the material have homogeneous size. We model a case when micropores of the solid material (dispersed medium) are initially filled with an oil (dispersion phase), which is our target component. The macropores are filled in with a pure solvent. In the process of extraction the oil diffuses from the micropore to the macropore, and then from the micropores to the external solvent volume, wherein the ratio of concentrations in the macropore and the micropore is taken in accordance with the linear law of adsorption. The well-posedness of the formulated mathematical model has been justified.


Processes of the extraction, polydisperse porous materials, target component, density of sources, inverse problem, diffusion equation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147159371

IDR: 147159371   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmp160201

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