On some properties of solutions to one class of evolution Sobolev type mathematical models in quasi-Sobolev spaces

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Interest in Sobolev type equations has recently increased significantly, moreover, there arose a necessity for their consideration in quasi-Banach spaces. The need is dictated not so much by the desire to fill up the theory but by the aspiration to comprehend non-classical models of mathematical physics in quasi-Banach spaces. Notice that the Sobolev type equations are called evolutionary if solutions exist only on R +. The theory of holomorphic degenerate semigroups of operators constructed earlier in Banach spaces and Frechet spaces is transferred to quasi-Sobolev spaces of sequences. This article contains results about existence of the exponential dichotomies of solutions to evolution Sobolev type equation in quasi-Sobolev spaces. To obtain this result we proved the relatively spectral theorem and the existence of invariant spaces of solutions. The article besides the introduction and references contains two paragraphs. In the first one, quasi-Banach spaces, quasi-Sobolev spaces and polynomials of Laplace quasi-operator are defined. Moreover the conditions for existence of degenerate holomorphic operator semigroups in quasi-Banach spaces of sequences are obtained. In other words, we prove the first part of the generalization of the Solomyak - Iosida theorem to quasi-Banach spaces of sequences. In the second paragraph the phase space of the homogeneous equation is constructed. Here we show the existence of invariant spaces of equation and get the conditions for exponential dichotomies of solutions.


Holomorphic degenerate semigroups, quasi-banach spaces, quasi-sobolev spaces, invariant space, exponential dichotomy of solution

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147159336

IDR: 147159336   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmp150410

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