On the issue of semantic adaptation of borrowed vocabulary in modern Russian language (on the example of the word “brutal”)

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The article discusses issues of borrowing foreign vocabulary and the ways of its semantic adaptation in the host language are considered. Using the example of the word «brutal» the dictionary characteristic of the word presented in Russian and English dictionaries. In addition, the author analyzes the contexts with adjective «brutal», posted on the website of the National Russian Language Corps. At the end, the author concludes about the semantic transformation of the word «brutal» in modern Russian and possible reasons for this change.

Lexical borrowing, semantic adaptation, brutal, causes, examples of contextual use

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203222

IDR: 170203222   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-88-91

Список литературы On the issue of semantic adaptation of borrowed vocabulary in modern Russian language (on the example of the word “brutal”)

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