On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

Автор: Valeriy V. Borodin, Nikolay N. Vas’kov, Nikolay Y. Kalistratov, Andrey V. Larionov, Vladimir S. Nikitin, Vyacheslav M. Popov, Andrey V. Rusanov

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social Sciences. Politology. Economics

Статья в выпуске: 17, 2014 года.

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The article proposes the concept of a specialized shipyard business project, geographically dispersed within the boundaries of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration, which aims to develop production cooperation, existing competencies and technologies in the creation of the Arctic marine equipment and vessels.

Arctic, shelf, vessels, sea platforms, topside facilities, modular units, expertise, special shipyard, technologies, shipbuilding

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148319802

IDR: 148319802

Список литературы On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

  • Borodin V.V., Vas’kov N.N., Kalistratov N.Y., Larionov A.V., Nikitin V.S., Popov V.M., Rusanov A.V. Analiz sozdaniya neftegazovyh platform «Moss CS-50», «Arkticheskaya», «Prirazlomnaya» i dal’neyshiye perspektivy stroitel’stva morskih sooruzheniy v Arkhangel’skom regione [Analysis of construction of oil-and-gas platforms «Moss CS-50», «Arkticheskaya», «Prirazlomnaya» and further prospects of marine structures construction in Arkhangelsk region]. Arkhangelsk, September-November 2014. URL: http://narfu.ru/upload/medialibrary/b9a/analiz_persp_y-mngs_-ao_06_noya_2014_arkh_ais.pdf (accessed: 10.11.2014).
  • Rogozin D.O. Zaglyanem v bezdnu [Let’s look into abyss]. Rossiyskaya gazeta — Russian newspaper, March 14th, 2014, no 6331. URL: http://www.rg.ru/2014/03/14/rogozin.html (accessed: 14.10.2014).
  • Timofeev Oleg: interview zamestitelya general’nogo direktora Krilovskogo GNC: «Zakazchiku nuzhni ne tol’ko technicheskiye resheniya, no i finansoviye» [Timofeev Oleg: interview with deputy director general of Krylov SSC: «Customer needs not only technical solutions, but also financial»]. Informacionno-analiticheskoye agentstvo «Portnews» — Informationanalytical agency «PortNews», April 11th, 2014. URL: http://portnews.ru/comments/1774/ (accessed: 16.10.2014).
  • «Razvitiye proizvodstvennogo potenciala Arkhangel’skoy oblasti dlya osvoyeniya Rossiyskoy Arktiki: projektniye predlozheniya»: krugliy stol [«Development of Arkhangelsk region production potential: project suggestions» the Round Table]. June 18th, 2014. URL: http://сафу.рф/aan/news.php?ELEMENT_ID=161913 (accessed 30.10.2014).
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