Social Sciences. Politology. Economics. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (7): Social Sciences. Politology. Economics
все рубрики
Culture, synergy and balance of Northern Russia’s strategic manage-ment processes

Culture, synergy and balance of Northern Russia’s strategic manage-ment processes

Dmitry P. Kondral

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The article briefly marks current problems of culture, synergy and balance of strategic management processes of Northern Russia. Spread of subservient culture, the need to democratize based on the culture of participation and the creation of a balanced system of strategic management is noticed.


Development of transport networks of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Development of transport networks of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Petr I. Tarasov

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In modern conditions exploration of the Arctic is impossible without development of transport, introduction of new technologies. The author proposes the creation of a net of transport corridors in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on the basis of existing transport nodes, in particular the port of Tiksi, and the usage of new technologies.


Eastern Yakutia: demographic processes in the post-Soviet period

Eastern Yakutia: demographic processes in the post-Soviet period

Evdokiya N. Fedorova, Galina A. Ponomareva

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This article reflects the statistical analysis of all demographic indexes of East Yakutia for the post-Soviet period (1989—2010), which shows its deterioration. Also depopulation occurred. However, despite negative processes, there are prerequisites for recovery of demographic potential. Optimism is connected with megaproject implementation, which can revive it. In 2007 the investment project “Complex Development of the Tomponsky Mining Region” was adopted for realization in the republic.


On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

On the сreation and de-velopment of specialized shipyard “Arctic – Shelf”

Valeriy V. Borodin, Nikolay N. Vas’kov, Nikolay Y. Kalistratov, Andrey V. Larionov, Vladimir S. Nikitin, Vyacheslav M. Popov, Andrey V. Rusanov

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The article proposes the concept of a specialized shipyard business project, geographically dispersed within the boundaries of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration, which aims to develop production cooperation, existing competencies and technologies in the creation of the Arctic marine equipment and vessels.


Specifics of design and construction of low-rise buildings in the Arctic

Specifics of design and construction of low-rise buildings in the Arctic

Yury A. Varfolomeev

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As a result of low storey buildings reconnaissance in the European part of the Arctic zone of Russia for a period of about 30 years, a number of peculiarities of their designing, construction and exploitation in conditions of frigid climate have been found out. The imperfection of currently in effect federal building law is marked. An average cost of square meter of living space in federation territorial entities by the end of 2014 has been analyzed. Suggestions for federal and regional legislation improvement have been developed.


Threats of terrorism in the Russian Arctic

Threats of terrorism in the Russian Arctic

Roman N. Zalyvskiy

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The article examines the legal, institutional, socioeconomic and political issues that promote terrorism. Based on the analysis of the facts of the modern history of terrorism in Russia, proposes actions to deal with it, legal instruments, anti-terrorism policies, including the Russian Arctic.


Рositioning of Russia in the Arctic: problem aspects

Рositioning of Russia in the Arctic: problem aspects

Ramil M. Yamilov

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The issues of the present situation in the Arctic, Arctic challenges and features of the economic development are analyzed. Basis for the development of the Arctic economy model, the need for organizational changes effective management of the Russian Federation Arctic zone are identified.

