On the Study of the Native Language of the Ob-Ugric Ethnos: Scientific Foundations
Автор: Matrosova O.P., Popova O.A., Fedorova I.L.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Northern and arctic societies
Статья в выпуске: 54, 2024 года.
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The authors of the article consider the issues of the formation of ethno-cultural and national identity on the example of the Ob-Ugric ethnic group living in the Arctic. Much attention is paid to such ethno-cultural component as native language. The problem of bilingualism, as well as the development of communicative competence in native and foreign languages, their practical application in the cultural sphere and social life under the influence of social, pedagogical and psychological factors is topical. Despite living in harsh climatic conditions, the northerners have for centuries cultivated such feelings as responsibility, justice, readiness to help. The authors noted the interest in the deep historical roots of their ethnic group and presented indisputable facts of educating children in the spirit of preserving and increasing values, passing them on to subsequent generations, spreading throughout the world. Based on the analysis of modern ethnopedagogical trends in the educational space of the Ob-Ugric ethnos, some recommendations on the main issues of ethnoculture and folk pedagogy development are presented. The study is based on the ideas of Wilhelm von Humboldt about the spiritual power of people, the role of language in the spiritual development of mankind, the peculiarities of the national character, the thinking of the people, their spiritual nature and way of life, conceptualization of knowledge about the world and the ways of its transmission. The authors assign a special role to ethnopsychology, the science of individual and collective consciousness, and ethnopedagogy, which integrates the ethnocultural component into the system of training sessions and contributes to the formation of a national identity in the younger generation, understanding and preserving the spiritual and moral values and traditions of their people.
Ethnoculturology, ethnopsychology, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology, ethnopedagogy, ethnography, anthropology, indigenous peoples of the North (SIPN), Ob-Ugric ethnos, national identity
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329513
IDR: 148329513 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2024.54.157
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