On the unification of the real sciences. Approach A: on the relevance of actual physical facts

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The proof of non-local efficacy enables the second quantum revolution. This was recognized by the Nobel Prize to Clauser, Aspect and Zeilinger, but did not settle the Einstein-Bohr debate. Bohr's world view was not the subject of the investigations. What was actually confirmed was Schrödinger's prediction that, contrary to Einstein's position, nonlocal effects are characteristic of all quantum processes. Einstein's research approach served two goals: 1) To solve the epistemological problems resulting from the refutation of the seven-day creation by the theory of evolution. 2) To unify all theories of natural events. Einstein's epistemological principles allow to assume as real only that what is empirically secure. For nonlocality empirical findings were presented only after Einstein's death. They are considered as secured by the award of the Nobel Prize. Thus, Einstein would have to take them into account today. Therefore it makes sense to take up Larsson's suggestion and reactivate the discussion on the nature of nature, its explorability and the unification of theories. The quantum theories and general relativity are indispensable, but so far incompatible. Changes in their mathematical variables are considered incompatible or unnecessary. Therefore, the hope is justified to reach unification by changing only the world view in order to make the identical empirical facts understandable. In this respect also unnoticed physical positions are used, esp. (a) the one of Heisenberg 1955, according to which quantum objects are assigned potentia in the sense of Aristotle, (b) the energetic field (Einstein 1905) not only as a formulaically relevant quantity, but as a precursor of the electromagnetic fields as well as (c) findings of the obviously evolutionary oriented cosmology. Nevertheless, crucial questions like the involvement in the evolutionary process remain open. Approach B tries to close these gaps.


Einstein, bohr, larsson, zeilinger, causality heuristic, entanglement, nonlocality extended world view, cosmic evolution, sustainability, health

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IDR: 143183258

Список литературы On the unification of the real sciences. Approach A: on the relevance of actual physical facts

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