On the unification of the real sciences. Approach В: the use of the extended evolutionary view

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On the one hand, evolutionary theory forces the abandonment of the seven-day creation of objects and the historical rationale for order in nature. This was the central challenge to Bohr and Einstein in their debate. On the other hand, the theory of evolution assumes a single non-preordained development from the most fundamental physical to the highly complex present-day processes. This justifies the search for a unification of all theories, Einstein's central but unattained goal. He had hoped to be able to derive the unification of all theories from the empirically determined regularities of the physical theories. Until today, however, neither the unification of the physical forces nor the bridge between RT and quantum physics has succeeded. With the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, Schrödinger's position was corroborated at a special application, according to which entanglement is THE characteristic of all quantum processes. This raises the question of the nature of nature and its evolutionary dynamics from a fundamentally new perspective. With the «Extended View» a unifying framework is available for methodologically different but for health and sustainability irreplaceable theories, in which the different paradigms can be integrated like subsets in a basic set. Starting points are also the non-determined evolutionary process and its partial explorability. The demands on the actors at the beginning of this process were derived from the need for explanation, which arises from the present conditions. It turns out that the characteristics required by Schrödinger were already considered in this approach for reasons of the epistemology used. Approach B attempts to clarify the questions that had to be left open in Approach A despite the expansion of knowledge thanks to the work now honored with the Nobel Prize and further cosmological knowledge gained after Einstein's death.


Big bang, evolution, culture, unification of sciences, health, prevention, sustainability, individuality, darwin, sechenov, extended view

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IDR: 143183259

Список литературы On the unification of the real sciences. Approach В: the use of the extended evolutionary view

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