The ontology of the "other" world in the context of the poetics of "magic realism" (based on "Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights" by S. Rushdi)

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The article is the exploration of one of the features of the magical realism poetic in the novel S. Rushdie Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights - the representation of the coexistence and interaction of real and fantastic worlds. Particular attention in the analysis of the novel is paid to the controversy of the Islamic philosophers Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd, that portrayed in this Rushdie‘s work. The conclusion is made about the peculiarity of the novel, which consists in -exposing black magic‖ and changing the image of equally reliably existing and competing codes of artistic space, real and surreal, in favor of the first.


S. Rushdie, magical realism, "Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights", Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, ontology, narrative

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