Operational investigative measures to counter organized criminal activity

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The article is devoted to the urgent problem of countering organized crime using operational investigative measures. The paper analyzes the specifics of conducting operational investigative measures in the fight against organized crime, examines the legal basis for their implementation, as well as the specifics and effectiveness of various methods. Special attention is paid to an integrated approach to conducting operational investigative measures, taking into account the specifics of the activities of organized criminal groups, its structure, types of crimes, as well as the dynamics of the criminal situation. The authors explore the current problems of using operational investigative measures in the fight against organized crime, identify the main directions for improving the legislative framework and practical counteraction measures. The article also analyzes international practices and experience in conducting operational investigative measures in the fight against organized crime, and offers recommendations on optimizing the use of operational investigative methods to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in countering organized crime.


Operational investigative activities, operational investigative measures, special technical means, organized crime, banditry, crime, crimes committed by a group of persons

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207330

IDR: 170207330   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-5-246-251

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