Determination of functional properties of the chopped meat mass model systems added by semi-finished product of jerusalem artichoke and chicory root

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The purpose of research is to study the influence of a semi-finished product from Jerusalem artichoke and chicory root (SFP) on the functional-technological (moisture - retaining (MRA), water-binding (WBA) abilities) and structural-mechanical (viscosity, ultimate shear stress) indicators of model systems of minced meat mass. The objects of research were model systems of minced meat mass, to which reduced SFP was ad¬ded. It was determined that the addition of SFP to the model system of beef-based minced mass increases the MRA by 7.2-8.6 % compared to the control sample. The introduction of SFP increases the MRA of the model system of minced mass due to a change in the ionic strength of the free moisture of beef. The WBA of model systems of minced meat mass with the addition of SFP in an amount of 15 % has the best values; for model systems of minced mass for cutlets, the WBA is 65.32 %, for meatballs - 62.33 %. The WBA of model systems of minced meat mass with the addition of SFP in amounts of 20 and 25 % decreases, the consistency becomes dense. The addition of SFP in an amount of 10 or 15 % has little effect on the viscosity of the system regardless of the shear rate, that is, their structure is virtually the same. Fluctuations in the magnitude of shear stress are quite significant depending on the composition of the samples. As the SFP content increases, the shear stress increases, indicating an improvement in the form-forming ability of the resulting product.


Minced meat mass, semi-finished product, jerusalem artichoke, chicory root, viscosity, water-holding capacity, water-binding capacity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304713   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-246-252

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