Optimization of curricular and extra-curricular interaction of subjects of educational process as a pedagogical condition of the development of social and professional mobility of students of higher educational establishments

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The article considers a topical problem of optimization of the educational process, namely optimization of the methods, means and forms of organization of student-teacher interaction in higher education establishments under the pedagogical condition of the model of development of linguists' linguistic competency, providing them social and professional mobility. In the course of work the author gives her own definition of the term «optimization» and introduces the criterion of optimality in the development of social and professional mobility. We offer curricular and extra-curricular forms that include lectures and practical classes on discipline«Communicative technologies in the professional sphere», vocational excursions, and club of foreign language, telecommunication projects, communication with foreign peers in foreign language, scientific research of students. Given the specificity of future professional activity, the author identifies verbal, visual, practical, heuristic methods (with predominant verbal method) of curricular and extra-curricular organization of interaction of subjects of educational process as optimal for the development of language competency of students-linguists. Based on the proposed methods and forms, according to the author, optimal means of the organization of interaction of subjects of educational process are given.


Optimization, optimality criterion, linguistic competency, social and professional mobility, micro-linguo-cultural environment, vocational excursion, club of foreign language, language barrier, virtual communication, telecommunication project, scientific research of students


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14240021

IDR: 14240021   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-1-123-135

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