Optimization of economic and social efficiency in the development of regions: theoretical and applied aspects

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The article deals with methodological approaches to the evaluation and typology of regions based on the determination of economic and social efficiency of their economy operation in order to improve the efficiency of living standards quality management in the constituent territories of the Russian Federation. The most promising method to evaluate the social efficiency of the region is the index (integral) approach, which can be understood as the reduction of heterogeneous parameters to a single one. Among the methods of this type (as applied to the evaluation of living standards at the regional level), according to the authors, the following are especially noteworthy: 1) calculation of the Human Development Index (HDI); 2) the index of RIA Rating agency; 3) RDR index (regional development rating). To determine the coherence of economic and social efficiency, the typology of regions is developed. An array of samples comprises 80 constituent territories of the Russian Federation. A two-dimensional matrix is built in order to position the regions: the vertical axis presents data on the indicator level "profitability of products of processing industries," and there is an integral index of social efficiency on the horizontal axis. For analytical purposes, the evaluation of social efficiency is carried out in two ways: based on the HDI index and the index proposed by the RIA Rating agency. The role of the mechanism of private-public partnership in ensuring balance and increasing the level of social and economic efficiency in the development of regions under condition of limited budget resources is proved. The coherence of economic and social efficiency is both theoretical problem and urgent regular need, and the tools for achieving this coherence exist and are able to dynamize the socio-economic sphere of the development of regions.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147156341

IDR: 147156341   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170202

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