Optimization of trauma and ortopedic aid to the population in Transbaykal krai in present-day conditions
Автор: Miromanov Aleksandr M., Davydov Sergey O., Myasnikov Sergey A.
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Медицина и фармация @vestnik-bsu-medicine-pharmacy
Статья в выпуске: 3-4, 2018 года.
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Injuries and violence pose a threat to the health of people in each country. On a global scale, their share in aggregate accounted for 9% of mortality from injuries and violence each year in the world kills more than five million people. Of the 15 leading causes of death among people aged 15 to 29 years, one way or another, related to injuries. These are injuries as a result of road accidents (road accidents), suicide, murder, drowning, burns, wounds as a result of military operations, poisoning and falling. It is estimated that for each death, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency calls and thousands of doctor visits. With current trends, it can be expected that the global burden of injury and violence will increase in the coming decades [1, 3, 5]. Injuries in Russia continue today take the third place in structure of the general incidence. About 17 patients for 1000 a naselekniya need observation and treatment at traumatologists-orthopedists. The trauma-tism indicator in the Russian Federation for 2016 was 89,0 for 1000 of the population, and the indicator of incidence of diseases of bone and muscular system at adult populationwas registered at the level of 141,4 ‰ whereas in group is more senior than working-age and the children's population - 264 ‰ and 76,7 ‰, respectively. In the SFD indicators of traumatism remain above the average Russian values. Besides, growth of an indicator of incidence by 2,8% is noted [4].
Optimization, trauma and ortopedic aid, transbaykal krai, traumatism, indicator
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IDR: 148316798