The optimization of technological process of electrocoagulative processing of the sewage containing the emulsified oil products

Автор: Khalturina T.I., Kozlova S.A., Churbakova O.V., Tretiyakov S.G.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2017 года.

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The study is devoted to actual problem of de-creasing technogenic impact on the environment. The data of pilot studies on electroprocessing stud-ying are shown by a direct current of oil-containing sewage of plants of tractor and agricultural me-chanical engineering. The research objective was the receiving mathematical model of electrocoagu-lation of oil-containing sewage and studying of structure of a deposit for the subsequent utilization. The determination of concentration of oil products was carried out with use of a concentrator of KN-2. The analysis of chemical composition of the deposit was studied by a thermogravimetric method on NETZSCHSTA 449F1 device. In the study the methods of rotatable planning of experiment were applied. It was established that the current density size defining the kinetics of dissolution of the anode and productivity had the greatest impact on the process of neutralization. The optimization of the process on the regression equations for obtaining adjusting charts was performed. The creation of schedules of surfaces and adjusting charts of the studied functions was made in the Mathcad pro-gram. The results of researches when planning experiment allowed determining the optimum modes of electrocoagulative processing of oil-containing sewage by the method of Box-Hunter: the density of the current 3.58-45 A/.m2; productivi- ty made 0.9-3.5 dm3/min. The structure of the sludge by thermogravimetric method on NE-TZSCHSTA 449F1 device in DSK-TG mode, in the atmosphere of AZ, in the range of 30/20.0 (To / mines)/1000 for development of technology of its utilization was studied.


Oil products, experiment planning, optimization, adjusting charts, sludge, thermogravimetric analysis, sewage, electrocoagu-lation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224211

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