Experience of using daptomycin in treatment of chronic sternal osteomyelitis in breast cancer patient: a clinical case report

Автор: Grigorievskaya Z.V., Utkina V.L., Petukhova I.N., Tereshchenko I.V., Grigorievsky E.D., Dmitrieva N.V.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Случай из клинической практики

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2017 года.

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Treatment outcomes of stearnal osteomyelitis in a breast cancer patient were analyzed. Sternal osreomyelitis is a rare disease and is extremely difficult to treat, Osteomyelitis usually begins as an acute infection, but it may evolve into a chronic condition. When planning treatment tactics, surgical treatment is preferable. Antibiotic therapy is usually given in the pre and postoperative periods, and adequate antibiotic regimens reduce the likelihood of subsequent episodes of reactivation of the inflammatory process. The choice of mono- and combination antibiotic therapy is a challenge.

Osteomyelitis, infection, breast cancer, antibiotic therapy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140254101

IDR: 140254101   |   DOI: 10.21294/18144861-2017-16-2-103-106

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