The use of adaptive learning technology in the educational process of higher education institutions

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This article provides a brief review of the literature demonstrating the extent to which the implementation of adaptive learning technology has been studied in higher education institutions. The experience of introducing this educational technology on the basis of the Department of General and Molecular Biology of the Institute of Preventive Medicine of Samara State Medical University was demonstrated: a model of the AdaptEducation program (authors: Yu.V. Myakisheva, G.N. Rodionova, T.B. Matveeva), which allowed us to create our own unique product that monitors the student’s level of learning: tasks are selected in such a way that each task assesses the degree of mastery of the competence mastered within the discipline. At the final stage, a survey was conducted among students in order to identify the difficulties they encountered during their studies, as well as to find out how effective, in the students’ opinion, this technology is in studying the basic disciplines that form the basis of specialized knowledge in a medical school. The effectiveness of the implementation of the program was revealed: test results showed that the level of mastery of educational material at the final stage exceeds the initial level by 14-18%. Students noted the variability in the use of traditional and digital learning technologies as an undoubted advantage; flexible training schedule; unity of teacher requirements for all students.


Educational process, adaptive educational technology, adaptive platform

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328955   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-70-76

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