Organization of socio-linguistic adaptation of migrants on the basis of mindfulness

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The characteristic features of life in the modern world are crises and isolation of the representatives of different countries and religious communities. Multifold globalization has caused a number of serious political, economic and social problems. Increase in migration processes forces the governments of various countries to search for the ways of secure and harmonious interaction with migrants in the framework of social and educational institutions. The system of education accepts the challenges of the modern society, reconsidering the approaches, principles and technologies of instruction to provide for successful socio-linguistic adaptation of migrants. The formation of mindfulness may be the basis of language education for enhancing its quality and psychological security. Instruction with regard to such constituents of mindfulness as value-sense orientation, empathy and openness to novelty becomes a priority in the framework of language education for migrants.


Globalization, migration processes, language education, socio-linguistic adaptation, mindfulness, empathy, value-sense orientation, openness to novelty

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ID: 147235367
