Organizational-pedagogical conditions as a category of scientific-pedagogic research

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In the article the author refers to the concepts-and-terms tool of scientific research as a kind of scientific activity. She considers organizational-pedagogical conditions (OPC) as one of the most important categories of pedagogy which has to be exactly interpreted and very accurately defined especially now, during the period of the modernization of education. Understanding of the term “OPC”, from the point of view of scientific pedagogy, gives opportunity to define its most important characteristics and its objective field and clarify connections and relations with structural components of the pedagogical reality: cognizable, named, normative. The article pays special attention to the point that each of the above mentioned components includes the OPC, which can be divided into three different groups: conditions-prerequisite, conditions-situation and conditions-requirement. The author considers the nature of the term «organizational-pedagogical conditions» as a kind of theoretical knowledge and proves it. As a result of this point, the provided substantiation can be a part of methodological support for future pedagogic works and research.


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IDR: 14899842

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