Organizational and pedagogical metacomplex as informal organizational structure and mechanism of development of educational process of modern university

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In the publication the informal organizational structure of modern university - the organizational and pedagogical metacomplex (OPM) is considered. OPM represents a metasuperstructure and the mechanism of development of educational process of modern university. The pedagogical, organizational, technical and technological OPM components are considered. It is claimed that OPM provides a sustainable development of educational technologies, introduction of innovations. The purposes of creation of OPM are proved: modernization of university educational process, flexible and mobile expansion of educational space of modern university, integration of innovative and traditional (classical) forms, methods and means of educational process for the purpose of increase of their efficiency, satisfaction of demand for high-quality educational services in head higher education institution and its branches, equal interaction with domestic and foreign higher education institutions on the basis of distance learning.


Modern university, development of educational process, organizational and pedagogical meta-complex

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IDR: 148317507

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