Organizational forms of management of innovative development of local administrative-territorial formations (using the example of CATU Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region)

Автор: Belyakova G.Y., Avramchikovа N.T., Proskurnin S.D.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2015 года.

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In the article the factors influencing innovative development of the economy of the territory as the condition of their rapid development taking into account peculiarities of the development of local administrative-territorial entities are examined from positions of territorial competitiveness. Traditional and new trends, laws and legal conditions for the development of local administrative-territorial entities are explored. We formulate a new approach to achieve priority development areas, show the role of the state as a subject of management and examine existing organizational forms of the development management local administrative-territorial entities. The features of self-organization of closed administrative-territorial units (CATU) reveal the sources of their funding and determine conditions of transformation of the individual CATU in the territory of advancing socio-economic development (AASED). The need to establish a special legal regime of entrepreneurial activity of CATU in order to create favorable conditions for attracting investments, ensuring accelerated socio-economic development in accordance with the Federal law of December 29, 2014 № 473-FZ “About territories of advancing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation” is revealed. It is noted that for increasing the competitiveness it is necessary to ensure sufficient economic freedom and economic initiatives of local administrative-territorial entities. The rationale for the development of new organizational forms of management of development of territories, formed on the basis of economic autonomy, building systemic import substitution and innovative development that determine the competitiveness of the territory is considered. Some recommendations concerning the choice of measures of regional economic policy implemented in accordance with the principles of import substitution, to ensure economic independence of the territory, subject to the requirements of the market, the use of the internal resources of the territory are discussed. It gives the opportunity to provide a solution to the problem of increasing economic efficiency and competitiveness of local administrative-territorial entities.


Local administrative-territorial entity, the new organizational forms of management, the rapid development of closed administrative-territorial education, innovative development of the closed administrative-territorial formation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177524

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